a trusted authority

Inspirational Biz & Health Thought Leader

Empowering entrepreneurs + creative professionals to transform their “way of being” in order to uplevel their leadership, relationships, finances, and mindset so they can live healthier + wealthier lives.

Topics I Love to Speak About

“Building success doesn’t mean you have to lose yourself.”

Entrepreneurs + creative professionals often struggle between success at home – and success at work.

Do we really have to choose one or the other? I say no.

The fact is, you can show up looking + feeling fit, fierce and fab over 50.

Because you are the foundation of your success.

And it’s 100% possible to have a kickass career, rockstar personal life and to look + feel amazing.

I’ll show you a combination of productivity tricks, biz building secrets, and holistic health shortcuts, so you can design your lifestyle, hack your habits and uplevel both your personal + professional life.

You'll create a 10/10 in your relationships AND finances.

It’s time to say enough is enough – and consciously live a life you love.

Signature Talk: Step into Leadership: 
100% is Possible, 100% of the Time.

How often do you go “all in”? How often do you give 100%? The truth is… most of us pick and choose how “in” we are – and we end up settling for mediocrity. Or, we get frustrated by the lack of results. Discover how to make going “all in” a lifestyle – without burnout, faking it, or giving up what you love in life. Because 100% is possible. 100% of the time

Goal + Intention Setting

Discover the secret to success: having a clear goal and knowing exactly how to follow through with intention. Learn how to create meaningful, relevant, and intentional goals – that align with where you want to go. Accomplish those goals through a system of strategic habit stacking + calendar hacking designed to work into your real life. 

Healthy Habits + Holistic Happiness for Busy Entrepreneurs 

Uncover the real reason why you DON’T have everything you want in your life right now. Eliminate the “I don’t have time” excuse for good – and start taking action toward achieving your biggest goals. Right now. 

Thriving Over 50: Habit Hacking for 
Energy + Vitality 

Increase your energy and productivity by prioritizing your holistic health. Overcome overwhelm and approach your days with new strategies so you can do all.the.things. All it takes are a few tricks. I’ll show you how to hack your wellness, reduce daily toxins, and looking younger than you did last year by reversing the aging process.



Ready to reignite your spark? I’ll help empower you and your team to stop letting outside circumstances dictate your success – and offer proven strategies to hit goals faster… one hack at a time.