
Is community on social media dead?

So here’s an interesting question for you…

Is community on social media DEAD?

Sometimes it can FEEL that way…

And there are a few reasons why that might be…

Which is what we’ll talk about today.

In my opinion, social media community is NOT dead…

But if you’re still trying to apply the same strategies and tactics from a year ago…

Or you’re just jumping into social media now and not getting the results you’re hoping for… your approach might be killing your community.

2 Big Reasons Why Your Approach Could Be Killing Your Community

Reason 1: “The Algorithm”

Ok, so you’ve heard of “The Algorithm,” right?

Well, the algorithm affects your community big time.

And guess what… it changes allll the freaking time.

So if you don’t adapt with it… learn what it likes… it can come back to bite ya.

Long story short… your community is probably still there…

But they may not be SEEING you the way they used to.

Let me give you an example.

Even as little as a year ago, most social media platforms valued Likes.

Meaning it rewarded you if you got tons of Likes on a post.

So knowing this, marketers:
  • Wrote captions...
  • Designed their strategies..
  • Created months worth of content...

...all to get their community to hit that 👍 LIKE button.

But now, “likes” don’t really matter.

They’re more of a vanity metric… which just means it LOOKS and FEELS good to have a ton of likes on your post.

But the algorithm doesn’t care about it.

Now, it’s all about Shares and Saves.

So, have you pivoted your strategy to create content designed to get people to share and save?

If the answer is no, then your community may not be seeing all that amazeballs content you’re putting out.

Just because you post something, it doesn’t mean your entire community is seeing it… let alone seeing it in real time.

So if it feels like your social media community is dead because you aren’t seeing the same responses anymore… 

...the content you’re putting out – and the algorithm – are likely to blame.

Reason 2: You may be being shadowbanned

Since we’re on the topic of why your posts may not be getting the same traction anymore… 

It’s possible you’re being shadowbanned.

This basically means that the platform is hiding or restricting your content… and most of the time...


All you see is your engagement numbers TANK.

With no apparent reason why.

Now, there are several reasons why shadowbans happen…

1. If you violate the community rules.

You know those checkboxes you blindly click to accept in your excitement to start an account?

Turns out… there are actually things you’re supposed to read in there! LOL

2. You’re using bots to quickly grow your follower list on social media. 

Don’t ever buy followers or fake your way to the top, ok?

3. What hashtags you use.

There are MANY abused or broken hashtags that you don’t know about.

I heard a story recently about how the hashtag #beautyblogger was getting innocent people shadowbanned because other dumb-dumbs were using it alongside inappropriate content.

Like nudity or spam.

And obviously, it’s not like a human is sitting there doing the shadowbanning on specific accounts…

It’s software that does it.

So yes, you could be getting shadowbanned without ever realizing you’ve stepped into dangerous territory.

Instagram, in particular, keeps an eye on HOW you use their platform too.

For example, if you copy and paste a bunch of hashtags over and over again… it actually kinda thinks you’re a bot.


How Do You Resurrect Your Community?

Let’s say you have an expectation in your mind that social media is going to be the tippy top tactic that drives ALLLLL your biz.

And you get in there and realize… “Wait a second… I posted something. Where are all my peeps?! How have millions of people not followed me for more brilliance???” LOL

Well, unfortunately that’s more of a mindset problem than a social media problem.

You should never put all of your vegan eggs in one basket.

Social media should be just one part of your overall strategy.

Don’t rely on it for EVERYTHING.

So if your mindset is the reason you feel like community is dead, the good news is this is an easy fix.

  1. Diversify your approach – try new features inside your platforms. 
  2. Put less pressure on social media to perform for you.
  3. Step into email as your primary driver of moving people down a pipeline with you and your biz.

For more info on how to engage your community effectively (and “go viral” as the kids say)…

It’s an online training I’m offering on August 10th and 11th…

It’s a super deep dive into all things Instagram.

Everything from how to create a truly effective strategy using Instagram as a channel…

To step by step instructions on HOW to use all the features inside IG.

The link to sign up is:

If you join me LIVE on August 10th or 11th… you can attend for free.

There are no replays of this training.

You gotta be there live if you want to see it… or wait for me to put out a recorded version of the class, which is $97.

Here’s another sneak peek into what’s inside the IG Workshop…

Instagram has announced they’re planning on moving away from being a photo-sharing app.

They want to be a video-based platform…

So, how comfortable are you with Instagram Reels?

What about IGTV?

How about Stories?

If you’re suddenly filled with dread and anxiety… don’t worry. I got you.

In the Instagram Tutorial Workshop, I show you how to use the video features inside the app… and grow your confidence in putting yourself out there.

And the way you gain confidence is to PRACTICE.

Because what I know for sure is that the community is NOT dead.

You just gotta change things up now and again.

Approach social media like an experiment… and pay attention to what’s happening on the platforms you’re using.

Sounds good? You got this. 💪

Have a great week… and I’ll see ya online.


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