
HELP I am Overwhelmed - Getting Started with your Business

WHOLE YOU WEDNESDAY- HELP I am Overwhelmed - Getting Started with your Business

Hey guys and thanks for joining me for this Whole You Wednesday video session. I hope you are having an awesome week so far and today I want to answer a questions that I get asked so often from people about running a business and being overwhelmed. The truth is we ALL get overwhelmed at some point but the trick is in managing this overwhelm and making these overwhelming events happen Less and Less. OK so here we go. Question 1: There is so much to do as a small business owner. I am trying to do my admin work like taxes, book keeping & paying bills, I am trying to educate myself, doing marketing, designing brochures, run my social media, do blogging,send out emails and trying to get out there selling. How can I do this all, as it seems so overwhelming? Answer 1:  Create a System. Make sure your marketing and sales take priority and stick to the 80/20 percent rule. That means you should be spending 80% of your time in front of client or potential clients and 20% doing everything else. Set-up a schedule to do the other admin and back office type tasks on certain days and certain times and try stick to it as best as possible. Set your alarm on your calendar and be disciplined. This will make a huge difference to your overwhelm and your company’s sales and revenue - I literally guarantee you that. Also get help on some of those tasks - you can’t do it all. Thanks for watching and see you soon!

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