
all you have to do is practice

Do you want to be the absolute best version of yourself that you can be? I know I do. I do it the holistic way—I lay down my yoga mat. It’s easy to find an excuse not to practice.
You stayed late at work. You have to make dinner. You’re simply tired!
But our practice is our way through which we can better ourselves, and it’s just as important as all the other things on our to-do list. For me, it has become mandatory. As I find myself flowing from one pose to the next, I’m able to get out of my own way. When I can get out of my own way, I can tap into a universe which is so much bigger than I am and which allows me to love unconditionally with compassion and without judgment. Yoga is my way of seeing who I am and how I fit into this world, as well as where I want to go and what I have to do to get there. The best part is you can do this all of this from wherever you are, even comfort of your own home. Whether it’s a deep practice or just a couple of minutes of breathing exercises, lay down your mat and start cultivating your best self. All you have do is practice. Have I convinced you to get on your mat and try it?bakasana

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