
WHOLE YOU WEDNESDAYS -The Importance of Mental Detox and Rest

Do you ever feel like you are completely overwhelmed, stressed out and if one more thing had to come along you would completely explode? It is not a cool feeling right?Mental Detox and Rest Well it is good in the sense that you should be aware that you are completely overloaded with too much going on. We all try to take on too much at times and think we can handle it all. The truth is that we can’t! But when you do try take on all these different challenges and “things” all we are doing is adding more and more layers of stress. Stress is not good for our body and long term, actually causes a deterioration of our body cells. That’s right stress is actually killing us. Not only that, but it actually steals our joy from the present moment, interferes with our relationships, we don’t work at our true potential and generally makes us miserable. In the same way you cannot work out in the gym all day without rest and recovery, you cannot work out and load your mind without taking a break and allowing it to recover. So we need to rid ourselves of the idea, that “we’ll be fine” and be able to handle all of this stress and work load. We can’t, and we need to make changes in our life today. So start to include times during the day where you meditate, do breathing exercises, exercise, do Yoga, have some fun, do things you enjoy or any activities that take you away from your daily grind. Put these in your diary and daily schedule. Add more activities that allow your mind time to recover and rejuvenate itself. You’ll be thankful that you did.

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