
5 Tips To Get The Sexiest Legs EVER

I want sexy legs. Doo-da-dee. I want sexy legs. Doo-da-dee. Oh yeah. I'm not afraid to admit it. As much as I love to get all sweaty, running around on all the trails out here, a girl needs to feel sexy too in a short little dress too. But unfortunately, sexy legs can't be made in the kitchen. Sexy legs take ALOT of work and the right kind of skin food. So let's talk about what makes sexy legs.


Shapely, strong, smooth legs are sexy legs, right? I think so. So that means taking care of business. Resistance training, cardio, toning and something smooth to put on top to make them look shiny and FAB! Here are a few tips on how to get your legs to look Wild and Sexy! 1). Stair Climbing You can climb stairs at the gym on the stair climber or you can make it happen outside. Personally, I love going to the local high school football stadium and running the stairs there. One flight is about 60 steps. If you do 2 at a time at 30 steps, and repeat about 20 times, I guarantee your bum, quads, thighs, saddlebags, calves and legs will look incredible (although you may also be cursing me later!) 2). Run Running is a sure way to keep your legs looking toned. Some people can get away with 20 min a day, some need more. If you're looking for a stronger, athletic look, you probably want to do more. 3). Lunges, Squats, Kick-Backs Lunges, Squats and Kick-Backs are the fastest way to keep your thighs and butt from looking like cottage cheese. Without them your muscles are sure sag and atrophy at some point. Not to mention, these exercises will definitely make you stronger. But here's the good news: all it takes is 3 sets of 15, that is not much. 4). Yoga Yoga will keep you strong and it definitely helps with flexibility. When your muscles look longer and leaner, your legs are looking sexier for sure. 5). A smoothing product for your legs Now that we have talked about all the ways you can get sexy legs, you cannot miss the most crucial aspect of sexy legs. You can have well toned, muscled legs, but if you do not properly moisturize your legs they can look like the dry lake beds and there is nothing un-sexier than dry legs. I take care of my leg health by properly exercising and I take care of the skin on my legs by feeding it the best product on the face of the Earth. I think about what I put on my skin the same way I think about what I put into my body. It has to be Organic, Non-GMO, Vegan, and Gluten Free, loaded with antioxidants and essential oils. I like my skin care like my fruits and vegetables---loaded with antioxidants. Over 90% of Pangea Organics Skincare contains antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight free radicals (the culprits that cause sun damage and premature aging). I love that Pangea incorporates the power of essential oils into their products instead of using synthetic fillers. Pangea Organics has ethics and makes my skin feel and look fabulous. So which products specifically, you ask? Easy peasy. Start with the Body Polish for exfoliation. Then add the Body Oil, a necessity for bringing natural oils back into your skin. Then moisturize with the Body Lotion. Sound like a lot? Depends on how good you want your legs to look and feel. After all my hard work, it is wonderful to have a beauty ritual that makes me feel good to my core. I wear my legs well and I wouldn't wear them naked without these three products. I have just given you 5 great tips to get the sexiest legs ever. What do you do to promote good leg health? Are you exercising? Using natural oils and lotions on your skin? I'd love to hear from you. Please leave your thoughts in the box below. If you found this post inspiring, share it with your girlfriends! I am sure they'd love the tips. Post it on FB, Pinterest or Twee it.   XO, Hayley   P.S.  I've opened an online virtual party for you this week so you can shop and save and earn free product.  If you purchase $75 or more, I'm sending you a FREE Body Polish or Body Oil!  Can't get better than that, right? Simply register yourself as a guest and play! This article was originally published on MindBodyGreen    

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