
Why You Need to Let Go of The Past

Sometimes I hold on to things too long, and I don't even realize it. I think I have let go of things and poof, somehow some memory resurfaces from the past and I wonder if I ever truly let go of it. Memories can haunt us like ghosts.

Letting-GoThe things that happened in the past are gone.

Keep the good memories inside of you and allow those memories to take you great places in the present. But the bad memories, the ones that don't serve you, have you recreating old patterns, and stuck in obsessing over memories that are long gone, let those go. Life is about progress and the more you clear out the storage container of your mind, the more able you are to live in the present moment. Don't allow what has already happened enslave, even if you have regret or you wished you could go back and do something differently. Live the life you want NOW. If the past is haunting, the one thing it is probably trying to tell you is to make better choices, overcome your fears and live from a place of truth. You can do that NOW. The past doesn't have to haunt you forever, if you chose to wake up and live in the power of the present. I have just expressed why you need to let go of the past. Do you still live in the past? What are you holding on to? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. Please share this post with your friends via FB, Pinterest or Tweet it, if you found it inspirational and feel that someone else could benefit from it. XO, Hayley

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