
the best kind of love

Happy Valentine's Day! I figured it was the right time to be thinking about LOVE. I completely agree with this: the best love is the one that makes you a better person, but doesn't change you into someone you're not. I have watched many of my friends and family members fall head-over-heels in love with someone, but the relationship really didn't make them a better person. Instead, I have often witnessed significant others bringing my friends and family members down and trying to change them into people they were not. Consider your own relationship and evaluate if it is taking you higher or just bringing you down. While we improve our eating and exercise habits, it's important to recognize what other habits aren't good for us. Does your loved one support you in achieving your goals? Does he or she encourage you to strive to be a better person? Or is your loved one constantly sucking your energy, belittling your ambitions, and flat-out wasting your time? It's a hard pill to swallow, but this may be your reality. If you aren't currently in a relationship, I urge you to wait for someone who complements you in this way. The love that makes you a better person without changing you into someone other than yourself is the greatest joy of all.

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