
Be a Better Juggler: The Art of Keeping All the Balls in the Air

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Hey my friends! Hayley Hobson here and welcome to the Whole You where we embrace consciously watching your thoughts, your dreams, so you can live your life your way.

Today I want to talk to you about becoming a master juggler. How to have 6 balls in the air at once and make it look easy. Yeah, as women we DO wear many hats. As partner, spouse, daughter, sibling, friend, business partner, upline, crossline, do-good neighbor…maybe even cook, house-cleaner, family accountant… I get it. You’re doing it ALL.

And I was too. I used to be just like you. But then I diversified...and learned how to juggle like Barnum and Bailey...and in today’s episode, i’ll share how I got there...