
Don't Stop at Failure. Getting Through The Tough Times with Special Guest Jordan Adler

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Hey my friends! Welcome to the Whole You Podcast - where we embrace consciously watching your thoughts, your dreams, so you can live your life your way.

Have you heard that popular saying “The struggle is real”?  

Ya, me too! It perfectly sums up today’s podcast.

The struggle IS real, we all go thru ups and downs and sometimes on the downhill we fall completely flat. It sucks.

That is why I’m so excited to introduce today’s guest Jordan Adler.

Jordan is no stranger to STRUGGLE and he has made a living sharing his story. I’ve heard it a couple times myself and it gives me serious goose bumps. Not only is it a gut wrenching story BUT SOOOO inspirational at the same time. After listening to Jordan speak you feel like you can go out and conquer the world.

It’s not easy to struggle: it’s uncomfortable, it’s hard, you want to give-up.

But for the few who can see the light at the end of the tunnel it’s also so worth it.


Here's a little more on Jordan:

Jordan was involved in 10 network marketing companies in his first 11 years in the business and never signed up a single distributor. At the age of 34 years old, he had less than $200 in the bank. He had $36,000 in credit card debt on 22 credit cards. He was living in a garage in Tempe, AZ and his rent was $200 a month. His jeep had been broken down for 2 years and he was taking a bus to work. His job paid him $14,000 a year after the airline he worked for had just filed bankruptcy. 36 months later, Jordan became a top earner in his company of 2 1/2 million distributors and went on to make $20 million in network marketing.

Jordan has built businesses consisting of over 200,000 distributors and nearly 500,000 customers in countries all over the globe. He’s a builder, speaker, leader, trainer and motivator. His audiences are mesmerized by his stories that inspire belief and action. Jordan sees himself as a dream broker. He lives his personal dreams on a large scale and then inspires others to go for theirs.

Learn more about him at or just simply hit play above!