
doTERRA Diamonds Discuss : Katie Hussong

Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where you'll be inspired by stories, tips, and strategies by doTERRA's top leaders who will then help you turn your passion for holistic wellness into your own profitable and flexible business. And now here's your host Double Presidential Diamond, Hayley Hobson.

Hayley Hobson:
All right. Hello, my friends. Welcome to doTERRA Diamonds Discuss where we teach entrepreneurs with a passion for holistic wellness, how to make a six figure income or more so that they can work from home. Have the flexibility they've been craving with their time and make more money than they've ever imagined. So we're back with another interview for doTERRA Diamonds Discuss today and today I'm interviewing Katie Hussong, a holistic health coach and wellness expert, actually on my own team. So super proud to have a diamond baby here.  Katie's journey has centered on how doTERRA's products can be so easily integrated into a wellness routine, focused on whole body healing. And whether she's helping someone develop a customized essential oil routine or guiding them through a healing yoga practice, her number one focus is holistic health. And I love that about her. So today you're gonna hear how this passion grounds her and focuses her and how her focus has served as an inspiration for her to launch this career and continue to move forward with it. So welcome Katie. 

Katie Hussong:
Hello. Thank you for having me.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. I'd love to hear a little back. Well, I know your background, but I'd love for you to share your background here with our listeners today. Like, I don't know. Can you think back, how long have you been with me on my team? It's been like, what night? Nine years.

Katie Hussong:
It's eight years.

Hayley Hobson:
Eight years. So crazy. Like how did you, how did you even, how did this even happen with us and had this happen for you?

Katie Hussong:
Yeah, this is like a, I think this story is really fun and funny because I am one of those people where like, when I, when the oils first kind of came across my radar, I had this immediate knowing that like, I would love them and I wanted them in my life. However, I am like a processor and a researcher , you know, and I'm a tourist. So I take my time to make decisions.

Hayley Hobson:
I didn't know. I can, I didn't remember that you were a tourist. When's your birthday?

Katie Hussong:
April 24th.

Hayley Hobson:
Oh, so we just had it happy birthday, cuz mine is coming up in a couple weeks too. Balo to hello, Dorin. 

Katie Hussong:
That's awesome. So yeah, so maybe you can relate to a little bit of that. So I, you know, I was doing my due diligence and really like trying to dig into all of whatever I could learn at the time about the oils and the company. And that happened mainly through you and all of the webinars that you were sharing at the time in our, I think in our, I N community back in the day in the Facebook group. And so I was just like stalking those videos, like for the longest time. And I think it took like seven months or something for me to finally get like pulled the trigger and get oil. Oh,

Hayley Hobson:
Were we remind me, were we actually talking that whole time or were you stalking for a while? And then you reached out most? Cause I don't remember it being that long of a like

Katie Hussong:
Yeah, no, mostly stalking. Yeah. You know, I was like, let me, like, you know, you would have these great educational webinars and you'd have, you'd sometimes do them yourself and sometimes with other people. And I just wanted to like learn, you know, as much as I could, I'm a big learner. And so yeah, I was just watching as many of those as I could. And it's like, I already knew I was gonna get them and not for the business, of course. Right. Just for myself personally at the time, but I just took forever to finally pull the trigger and something so funny. I was telling my husband the other day, like, I'll never forget. You must have had because you were technologically advanced then even earlier, you know, earlier on in your building and you must have had some trigger happen when I like clicked to watch a webinar, they must have told you, like I had clicked to watch it. And I got an email from you that was like, Hey, I saw that you watched my webinar and like, what did you think? And I was like, I literally thought that you sent me that email personally. And I was like, oh,

Hayley Hobson:
Oh, that's so funny. I don't even remember back then that we even had that feature. Wow. Like a long way. Maybe

Katie Hussong:
It was to, I dunno, but like later I was like, oh probably that was

Hayley Hobson:
No, it probably wasn't. We probably had a way to, and you still do with technology. Like you can actually see who's registered on your email, open rates. You can see like you can check your open rates, you can check your clickthrough rates, you can check your watch rates like that all was, is available. Now maybe it was available then I didn't know.

Katie Hussong:
Yeah. Well it worked, it worked. I totally was like, oh my gosh, she's reaching out to me personally. And then that's when we really started like actually having some back and forth conversation. Yeah. And I remember when we got on a phone call to finally place that order you were like, well, do you think you're ever gonna do the business? And I was like, well, I just left my nursing job finally, like to, to full time do health coaching. I'm really excited about that. And you were like, well, I'm telling you it wasn't until I started incorporating doTERRA into my health coaching practice that like things really took off. And again, like at that moment I was like, sure, sure. Like you're just telling me that, you know, and truly that is what happened to me actually ultimately down the line and because of that conversation and like the seed that like was sort of planted of the possibility of the business, I decided to get a larger kit than I was gonna get, which

Hayley Hobson:
I remember that I remember actually talking to, I remember our conversation, I wasn't in this house. I wasn't in the house before that I was in the house before that. And I remember literally sitting in my bed, talking to you eight years

Katie Hussong:
And like, I mean, I think at the time I was like, oh, I came on like planning probably to get one of the smaller kids for sure. And it was just like a really ended up being a great decision because I, I got the natural solutions kit, so I had like a lot to play with. And could

Hayley Hobson:
You believe that? I still remember that you got that kit.

Katie Hussong:
I can't, I mean, you

Hayley Hobson:
Still remember

Katie Hussong:
That. And honestly, like I, as much as now, I love and appreciate everything that's in that kit at the time. I was like, I just want oils. Like I just want, yeah. Like, you know, and little by little, because I got that kit and saved a ton at the time I got to experience all of those different products and fell in love with them, you know, one by one. So it was a great investment ultimately, but I may have been slow to start, but I had that inner knowing, you know, even early on, like these oils were gonna be part of my life.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. You just had a bunch of things that I wanna unpack with you. So first of all, I wanna note, I just wanna note that Katie was a nurse before she started. She had just left her nursing career and she was looking for something else. So I think that there's a lot of, I know that there's a lot of room and opportunity for people who these days still are just looking for some type of like either leveling up or pivoting or switching in their career. And there are people like Haiti that are out there that are super into the, the, the wellness path pathway. And they're just looking for something to add on or, or, or do in addition to what they're doing. The second thing that I wanted to just take note of was that you know, you were a slow starter. You just said you were a slow starter.

Hayley Hobson:
It took you a while. You're an analyzer, you're an analyzer, I'm a TAUs, but I am not an analyzer. I am a promoter from the bottom of my heart. I just make decisions fast. And doesn't matter whether you're a promoter or an analyzer or supporter or whatever you are, it doesn't matter. But there are people out there that are watching you. I'm I'm saying this to the general, you who's listening right there. There are people who are out there watching and listening to you. And if you're not putting content out there, well, maybe they aren't watching you. But look at that, look at that story right now, listen to that story about how she was there for seven months consuming content, trying to make a decision. And because I, I am assuming was consistently in her inbox and in her social media feed, I was the person that she ended up choosing to work with.

Hayley Hobson:
And then when we finally got on the phone, then that, then that it was, it was the decision had already been made. So that's a marketing tip that I have for all of you right now is be consistent with getting out there because your people might be watching and noting, and they may not be ready to make a decision right now. And that's okay. And even once they make a decision, it may take them a little while to get going. And I, I, I, I feel like this is gonna be a bold statement that I say, but I feel like the best builders, like long term builders and leaders on my team have been the slowest starters. I feel like I've had several people that have jumped into it really quick. And we had like 90 day to premiere moves in the beginning with several people who later burned out and quit.

Hayley Hobson:
Now, I'm not like that. I was a fast starter and I hit diamond in six months and a presidential diamond in just over a year. And I did not burn out. I'm still here obviously, but on my team, I will say that some of my best people, maybe all of them were slow starters, so have patience and be committed and be consistent in your relationship building. So, yeah. So that's some of the stuff that I just took from what you just said. And that was note worthy, commenting on, I dunno, if, is there anything else that you,

Katie Hussong:
I was gonna add one other thing, which is that the, I think the reason I pulled the trigger aside from the fact that it was my birthday month, because this is like just past my doTERRA anniversary now. Yeah. When we're recording this and so that was like one of the reasons, but also I think the biggest thing was the incentive of you had offered like an enrollment incentive at the time. And so I always remember that, you know, I fully and truly believe that there is plenty and enough and more than enough value in what doTERRA has already on offer in their, you know, their starter kits and anything really. However, that incentive was the thing that made me pull the trigger. So I, what was it? It was, I think it was like a hundred people or the free product. And I think you ended up sending me like some of the skincare, like some of the essential skincare line and

Hayley Hobson:
Oh, interesting. Cuz it's yeah. Was that natural solutions kit at the time did come with a hundred PVN product points. Yes,

Katie Hussong:
It did. So like, it was an additional, like personal incentive that you were offering. And I don't think, I even really knew about the hundred PV that came with the natural solutions kit at the time, you know, when you made your next month order. Yeah. But yeah, I just, I wanted to add that too, because I think about that myself in my own business, you know, like those incentives can be the thing that make the difference for somebody who like, that just feels like a really big investment at the time. Yeah.

Hayley Hobson:
You know, coming back to like the idea of investment for a second. I actually, one more thing that was noteworthy that I wanted to talk about was that natural solutions kit, because I get plenty of people who come to me who either say things like, I only want the oils or lately, believe it or not. I've been hearing from people that they're not necessarily interested in the oils, but they're interested in more holistic remedies. So I wanna comment on both of those and just see what you think for the people who are not like oil lovers yet. The good news is that doTERRA has done a lot of product development over the last decade to create an entire line of cleaning products and hair care products and skin products and internal digestion and detox products and supplement products and all of the above. So that you have very clean products that you're using in your body, on your body and in your home.

Hayley Hobson:
And you could literally not even use an oil. You could literally not even use an oil. Like let's just say you had some allergy to them or you just weren't into the sense and still get massive benefit from this company. The second the second thing that I hear a lot is, oh, no, I only want the oils, which is what I wanted too. When I came in, I was very intrigued by the aroma therapy. As I was sitting here, I was actually rubbing citrus bloom on my hands. And I used the roller balls all the time to roll oils on my hands. And then I smell them. I just, I love yummy smells. I love it. I could put, I could layer a million, smells on me. I'm very like an aesthetic visual, smelly, yummy kind of person. Oh see. But I will tell you that you are missing a lot if you're not using the other end of the product line, because as sexy as these smells are.

Hayley Hobson:
And as often as I'm using them on my body to smell delicious or so that I don't have to take a shower now I'm just kidding. Or, you know, to go to sleep at night and let that aroma therapy like ease me into like nice restful relaxing night or wake up in the morning, or I have oils in my diffs or all the time, while I'm, while I'm working for productivity, enlightening or enlightening, you know, my brain or putting me in a more positive mood or whatever it is, more focused, more concentration. I will tell you that if you put me on a desert island and you said to me, Hayley, you can only have one doTERRA product. I'm gonna go one and then I'm gonna go five . And I would say if it was only one hands down, it would be the lifelong vitality product.

Hayley Hobson:
Like there's absolutely there's that is, there's so much bang for the buck and that product in terms of nutrition digestive oils, like an entire digestive blend in there, omegas nutrients really anti-aging properties in there anti-inflammatory properties in there bio hacks to get your body like elevating and buzzing at a much higher level. So, I mean, that would be number one. That's not even an oil, although there's oils in there. If I had to say five, I mean, I don't know. I don't, to me, the peppermint soft gels and the di and the terrorism are probably the next two that I would add. Like, I don't even know if the oils themselves today would really be in my top 10. I don't know. What about you?

Katie Hussong:
Yeah. I mean, definitely that's like the most painful question to ask a doTERRA person. Right. Cause it's like what? Just pick one or pick five. Definitely. I would have oils in mind for sure. Like I'm such a purist still in that way, you know, but I, a hundred percent agree with you. Their products are incredible and they've only gotten more and more incredible over the years, you know, as they've listened to us, to the community and and just followed like, you know, emerging trends in nutrition and quality and and science, you know, to, to really create this like incredible lineup of products that yeah. Like whether it's the supplements, which are amazing. Yeah. I would say for me, the terrorism is like a huge one and has been like, but all, all of them, you know, like the lifelong vitality of terrorism, PB assist combo, amazing for so many things, it's like almost start with that, you know, and then layer oils onto that because

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah, that's what I think too. It's like lifelong vitality. Pbss terrorism is like the staple mm-hmm  and then granted again, there's oils in that. But if I were to keep going with like products, I mean, I guess technically the peppermint soft gels are in oil. And I was also gonna say like, I never go to sleep at night without taking two serenity soft gels. Technically that's an oil too. And yes, I'm putting imoral on my face every day. It's a skin product, but it's an oil and rose on my face, so yeah, sure. But like, for those of you who are out there going, like, I just want clean living. I just want non-toxic products in my home. I just want to me Katie, like digestive health is the number one priority for me. Like if your digestive health is not on par, there is nothing in your life.

Hayley Hobson:
That's not gonna suck. I mean, you're gonna be tired. You're not gonna be sleeping. Well, your mood is gonna be off. You're gonna be shortsighted. Your productivity levels are gonna be off your skin. Isn't gonna be glowing. You're gonna be bloated. You're gonna be a few pounds overweight. I mean, I will literally watch my weight fluctuate on the scale if my digest, like if I'm traveling and my digestive system is not even if I'm eating clean, if I'm not processing and digesting and excreting like on par. Yeah. I can literally fluctuate 3, 4, 5 pounds on the scale. Absolutely. Without gaining a quote unquote, pound of fat, it's just literally the health of your digestive system. So,

Katie Hussong:
So central for sure.

Hayley Hobson:
Exactly. Exactly. Oh, and then not to mention duh, your immune system, cuz like 80% of your immune system literally lives in your gut.

Katie Hussong:
Yeah. And mental health as well. I mean exactly. It just ripples into everything. Absolutely. And I do think like the people that go in with that very like focus just on oils, you know, there's so much you can do with them and yes, you can totally DIY products. Absolutely. Like if that's your jam, go for it. It's like we, I think a lot of us did that for quite a while before new amazing product options came out, even, you know, but but I think a lot of people do miss that, you know, nutrition and like whole health aspect of what doTERRA does have available. And if they were to, to focus on that and address that they would likely get a lot more value from the oils that they're using, you know, kind of sets the tone almost for like their general health to, to even benefit more when you're using oils. You know? So

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah, absolutely. All right. Well let's switch gears for a second, even though the product is, we could talk about that all day. Let's use the product for a second to talk about how your background in health has actually spiraled your career as a health coach and as a doTERRA wellness advocate, like where do you feel like you're the strongest in your speaking and you know, what is the message like for me, it's it is digestive health. What is the message for you?

Katie Hussong:
Yeah, I honestly, I think it, it was for me for a long time as well, and it's just sort of evolved a little bit over time, but it's still in that same, you know, sort of general category of like root cause wellness, you know, and basic practices, simple practices that people can make these little swaps, these little changes, incorporate these little, you know, practices or rituals in their lives, you know, in small ways that over time add up to really significant changes in their overall health. So, you know, coming into doTERRA and, and all through this time, like that's always been a really big focus for me. I mean, I, I really left nursing because of the limitations of modern medicine, you know, and really wanting to kind of be on that side of preventative health for people and helping them create that strong foundation, you know, or start to reverse some of like maybe the damage that have been done over the years and discover new options that are not harmful, but actually helpful.

Katie Hussong:
And so doTERRA fit like really perfectly into that, almost an accident. You know, it was kind of unintentional just as I started using things myself. It just like, as we do, when we find something we love that kind of blows our mind a little bit. Like either we can't stop talking about it or we're using it and people ask us about it, you know? And so that's what happened in the beginning. And I just kind of felt I, as a health coach, working with clients, I was keeping something from my clients, having discovered, you know, oils and other products from doTERRA that could help them with the thing that they were working on, whether it was quitting smoking or digestive issues or anxiety, like whatever it was, you know, there was something. And even if, I didn't know at the time I remember just being like, listen, I've got a resource.

Katie Hussong:
Like I can look it up. I've got a Facebook group of people who've been using these, those for a long time. Like I can ask in there and I'll find out for you and get you some options if you'd like to try them. You know, it was very like, you know, kind of put the cupcake on the table as we always say, right? Like some people like cupcakes, sun, Keke, some people don't like, if they wanna try the cupcake, they can't no pressure, but it just was something that fit really naturally. And honestly, like I said, I felt like I was maybe keeping from people having found something that worked really well. But yeah, like all, all along the way, kind of just coming back to your original question, that's really been, my focus is that root cause wellness, you know, like foundational wellness, simple practices, simple swaps things that can feel like easy and enjoyable and that ultimately, you know, help people to feel better and healthier in their lives. So yeah, my team, they, you know, when I ask them what they want from me, they almost always are asking me for like something science related, you know, kind of something kind of more from that nursing. I think a lot of times they, they think it's from that nursing background and there is some from that nursing background, but,

Hayley Hobson:
But probably not a lot of it's probably research that you've done since you got your nursing degree. Right?

Katie Hussong:
Absolutely. Yeah. The majority, you know, it's just like we learn a really different kind of, as you know, you know, just, we learn a very different sort of approach and yeah, just like kind of collection of knowledge and information.

Hayley Hobson:
I mean, if I had to guess I would actually guess that it's because of your nurturing nursing degree and education, then you actually sought additional education outside of that profession that felt more aligned to you.

Katie Hussong:
Absolutely. For sure. And

Hayley Hobson:
More holistic.

Katie Hussong:
Yeah, exactly. Because I mean, absolutely there's a place for modern medicine. I always say, I feel like the perfect marriage is modern medicine and, and like traditional let's say or holistic medicine when, when they are both practiced like responsibly, you know? And I think when they are both practiced responsibly, you need a whole lot less of modern medicine intervention. And that's a really beautiful thing, you know, to, to be in a world where you're just seeing kind of this like revolving door of people coming in and going out and coming in and going out, you know, it's like, it's painful when you start to learn beyond what you learned in nursing school, for example, you know, you start to learn more about other options and, and like again, root cause and foundational wellness kinds of things like that. We are not really serving people in the modern medicine world in that way.

Katie Hussong:
You know, we're kind of there more to like I was in the ER. So especially there, it was an acute situation. It was like, like that bandaid, you know, and, and a lot of times, you know, most of the time that bandaid was necessary in that moment in the ER, but what happens after that? Like not a lot, you know, like maybe people go home and maybe they start to feel better, but if they're not actually addressing the underlying health practices in their lives lifestyle, you know, food, stress management, all of, all of the things that matter. And there's so many things, then they're gonna end up back in there. And so, yeah, absolutely you're right. It was, you know, kind of as a result of learning kind of one way and then experiencing and observing what I experienced and observed in practice. That definitely inspired me to just be curious and continue to learn. And I think that curiosity is what just continues to drive me, to keep learning all the time. You know, healthcare medicine, it's a practice we're, we're always learning. It's always evolving. And I think doTERRA wise, there's a really strong and powerful place for these tools in healthcare.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. A hundred percent. I love that. All right. So before we tap out today, let's just take it into a business perspective for a second, because you've been growing your business for the last eight years or you've been involved for the last eight years, maybe growing your business for the last, I don't know how long do think it took you to really get started? Like building

Katie Hussong:
Yeah, probably like six months or so.

Hayley Hobson:
Okay. All right. And I remember like you being premier for a while and then, you know, being silver and it just being like a slower start and then boom, boom, boom. It was like, okay, now I'm ready now I'm taking off. So how do you, well, I, I should say, how did you find your ideal key business partners back then? How are you doing it now? Has it shifted?

Katie Hussong:
Yeah. okay. So I think it's also worth just mentioning really briefly that the thing that really solidified my decision to, to build with doTERRA, as opposed to kind of just like dabbling and sharing a little bit was attending convention and like learning about like really in detail co impact sourcing and just the integrity of the company and the owners getting to meet them. Like that just really was a game changer for sure. So yeah, for anyone listening, I feel like that's really important to take away, like take the opportunity to, to be in that space. You know, if you can get yourself there, because for me, I've sat in the audience and just had that realization like, okay, like almost like a sigh really like, okay, like I'm in the right place, you know? Very powerful. So for me, yeah, in terms, in terms of like my partners particularly early on they were just, they were customers first, you know but a lot of people, all of them actually worked in the wellness space in some way already.

Katie Hussong:
And they were mostly in like more of a natural health kind of space, not, not the nursing space, although there were some also in the nursing space that kind of like media had a little bit of, they expanded kind of their learning, you know, and wanted to be incorporating more natural tools too. But yeah, they were mostly people that like, they had that interest in natural health in some way. But they definitely were customers first and foremost. So I, I really just like tried to nurture people and still do very much like as customers and, and present the option if they're interested in the business. Again,

Hayley Hobson:
And how are you finding these people? Do you use social media? Are you meeting them in person? Are there networks that you're a member of?

Katie Hussong:
Yeah. So in the beginning they were both, it was all of the above. It's a mix for me. I met people in person and then I think more, a little bit more. So there were people I knew from online either, like we had gone to health coaching school together, or like culinary nutrition school, like we were, you know, connected from some kind of online space. So yeah. Mostly like groups of people, like I had at going through some program with basically we had that connection and a couple of people I had met in person, so it was a mix for me, but it was none of, it was like intentional outreach kind of marketing at that time at all. You know, it was just like, I was sharing like my oils and I, I just think, I think that's changed a little bit over the years for sure. Even just like in the groups that you're in those kinds of groups, it's hard to, you know, share like that kind of thing anymore. So again, it just comes back to, I think what's most important is just making that, those connections and those relationships with people and really like just genuinely getting to know people and, and offering your support and staying connected and seeing where that goes

Hayley Hobson:
And not, and not being rushed to a deci, not rushing people to a decision like letting people live life

Katie Hussong:

Hayley Hobson:
As it plays out and just seeing how it happens.

Katie Hussong:
Definitely. But also making sure they know that it's an option for them.

Hayley Hobson:
Right, right, right,

Katie Hussong:
Right. Because I think, I mean, I did help hold back on that a little bit in the beginning, mainly because I wasn't clear on how to talk about it myself. I haven't really figured that out yet, you know? And then like, as it, as it began to really mean something in my life, like I was committed to it, I was really building, I was loving it. I developed a confidence where I could speak about that. Even if it was just to say like, this has changed my life. If you, if you end up like loving these, I wanna share them too. Like, please come talk to me because you can totally do this too. You know, like even it was just something that simple. So, so yeah. And, and that's just like evolved in terms of, if that's changed over time, I would say it's actually still kind of similar. Like it really has, for me just been like people I have connected with either in person or in some online space that we, we had some shared connection in that I just, like you said, didn't rush. Like, and again, not even with like an intention of like an end goal of them becoming a builder or a customer, but just like genuinely connecting with people. And yeah, I would say what's maybe different now only because of what we've all been through in the last couple of years is how incredibly important community and connection

Hayley Hobson:
A hundred percent. I always talk about that.

Katie Hussong:
Right. Like more than ever. I mean, that was true before, but I don't know for me, for sure. Like that was kind of the main focus for my community. The last couple of years has been like, let's just be here for each other and with each other and support each other through this challenging time, you know? And so just continuing to do that and, and and putting the opportunity in front of people so that if they are interested, they can, they can run with it.

Hayley Hobson:
Yeah. I love that. Yeah. So speaking of what's happened over the last couple years, we'll just end with this last thought because I know we're on, we're at we're at our time also. Or maybe even overtime, could you in like just the 30 seconds or less, just share with me one tip that you use when you are feeling like you aren't motivated 

Katie Hussong:
Yeah. I think one of the biggest motivators for me is just showing up in community with my people, you know, with the people who are wanting to show up and connect, like, and I get like, some people are kind of just taking their space too right now. You know, it's like been a tough time, but showing up in community, even if you don't know what you're going to say, or if you're having a crappy day it, it's just, there's something so beautiful about that, like space holding that space for each other, you know, and something really lovely, always comes out of that. I always have a an energy shift. Yeah. And I'll just, I'll just also say like, there are some incredible people on my team who have started these like weekly sessions that are free for everyone. And they're like kind of oils and energy practices and like the energetics of oils and they have been so powerful for me just showing up every week in for those sessions and like listening and receiving and learning and being in community it's really, really powerful. So, yeah, that's what I,

Hayley Hobson:
I love that. Thank you. All right. Well, thank you so much for hanging out with me today. I wanted you to share with people how they can get in touch with you. You guys know you can always find me on my website, Hayley That's H a Y L E Y two Y is in my fir first name and all my social media accounts, whether it's Instagram at Hayley Hobson, TikTok, I am Hayley Hobson, Facebook, Hayley Hobson, whole U Pinterest. Hey, Hobson. I'm all over. I'm all over online with just my name, Hayley Hobson. I also have a consistency tracker just as a free gift for you guys for listening in here today. So if you are just trying to figure out how to be more consistent in your own business, I actually took the tracker that I use myself and just created it digitally so that you can AC have access to it too.

Hayley Hobson:
And if you go to Hayley, tracker, Hayley tracker, you can go ahead and you can download that and you can plug a couple things in there. Maybe it's like, you know, your meditation practice or using oils every morning or in the afternoon or the evening, or, you know, eating clean or making a connection with your husband or your kids, or, you know, spending an extra hour, whatever you wanna do, you can put it on the track, or I love like checking off and just, you know, noting that I'm, that I'm showing up in a way that I said that I would  but Katie, is there any way that we can get in touch with you?

Katie Hussong:
Yeah, yeah. It's it's pretty straightforward for me. It's just my name at Katie husong across the socials and I'm really only on Facebook and Instagram. I'm pretty limited in that way.  but yeah, if you, and you can see my name, if you're listening to this, you'll be able to see the, the way my last name is spelled. So just at Katie husong and then we did actually recently start an Instagram page for our larger community, which is at holistically minded humans, all

Hayley Hobson:
Like nose spaces or dashes. Love it. All right. Thank you. All right, well, thank you so much for showing up with us today and you guys will see you back with the, do doTERRA diamonds discuss next week. Have a great.