
Learn to Be a "Soul Fuel" Biz Owner and Live Your Passions

Today’s episode is all about Consciously Creating the Life and Business of your dreams and make a living doing it by carefully choosing the message you speak to yourself on a daily basis. 

I talk a lot about mindset and owning your thoughts so that they become your actions, but a question that I get a Lot is How do I control my thoughts. 

One of the easiest ways to take control of your thought is to speak affirming and empowering messages to yourself, every single day.

I know that can be difficult as we go through seasons of trials, or busyness, or loss. So when I found out about my guests today and the business they’ve created, I knew I had to share it with you.

My guests are the founders and owners of Love Powered Co., Anna Lozano and Lindy Sood. 

Love Powered Co is a company that believes that we all have the power to take on the world. The power of love, the power of courage, the power of brilliance, the power of determination, the power of being our own unique selves but sometimes we feel disconnected from this truth and we just need a little reminder.

If you're looking for a pick me up this week, this episode is for you!