
There's a new dictionary - have you heard of it?

I have a teenage daughter. I know, it's crazy. A couple days ago we went and worked out together. Something we do every once in awhile. I like it because there are no phones and we can really talk, but sometimes when I talk to her I feel so confused. Like I need a dictionary just to understand what she is saying and I'm not talking a normal dictionary - the Urban One.

Do you know what that is? The Urban Dictionary gives you the definition of modern "slang terms" - all the things teenagers are saying and you have no idea what they are "actually" talking about!  Ya, look it up in the urban dictionary. 
Don't feel bad, I had no idea either. Someone younger than me had to tell me too!

It's hard. I mean I feel young! I try to stay "current" and "on trend" but my kids remind me with every passing day - I am getting older. Not to mention when I'm at the store and the clerk calls me Ma'am. 

#cringeworthy But it's ok, age is only a number. #thatswhatikeeptellngmyself
My age is something I've had to embrace and I am learning to be ok with it. It's a work in progress. 

But hey, when you want time to stand still - try this blend it's perfect for a long soak in your bathtub.  Of course this is after you've deciphered what your teen is telling you! 

Just drop the oils in and enjoy: 2 drops sandalwood and 1 drop Frankincense.



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