
When Jet Lag kicks your trash!

G'day Mates! Crazy I know, but I am in the land Down Under. #avotoastanyone? That's right: Australia. I absolutely love it here. My Australian teams have adopted me and when I come and visit they roll out the red carpet. #adoptedaussie #icouldlivehere 
But I will say, the jet lag is a beast. 17 hours in the air, different hemisphere, different season. It ain't for the faint of heart. So, how do I bounce back and keep my eyes open during meetings, lunches, speaking engagements etc.?
Well first, I'm taking a nice little 3 day Holiday pre Convention.

Then, if the jet lag ain't over yet, it's gonna be Citrus Oils! (and spearmint for an extra dose of pep) Yep, they are my go to! I love to combine them or just pick one and use it solo.
But you don't have to go all the way to Australia to find your citrus oils useful! Citrus oils are great to give yourself some extra pep, especially when the 4pm afternoon snooze fest wants to roll around, just give yourself a citrus wake-up call.
Happy soon-to-be-weekend everyone.


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