
Whole You Wednesday

Hey There!

When I first heard it from Marie Forleo, I didn't understand what she meant.

You're website is a "cash machine"? What does that even mean?

Well it means your website is THE hub your peeps, your customers and your tribe is going to visit in order to learn more about you and eventually do business with you.

And yes, that eventually means money in your pocket. Bonus, right?

Your website makes you visible globally. It is your billboard to build your brand. Your website helps you establish your authenticity and connectedness. Your website helps you grow and nurture relationships. Your website also helps you establish credibility as THE expert in your field. And to some, that expertise is simply being YOU and offering your guidance. Who can better than you at being you, right?

Your website is your most valuable marketing tool. Remember last week when I spoke on Branding? Your website is a key place where you tie it all together! Remember the key to building your website is your brand and being consistent.

Your website is your most valuable marketing tool.



Comments (2)


jody cursio

Jan 18, 2018 08:19 AM 1DT

Join your private fb group consciously creating a whole you - thanks!


Zondra Moore

Jan 17, 2018 04:41 AM 1DT


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