
Rolling with Change


Rolling with Change

Part One


Hey Guys!

Well, it’s finally here—Election Day. Tomorrow it will be behind us and life will go on. I don’t usually discuss politics, but this discussion is bigger than that and it’s an important one because it affects all of us.

First and foremost, we’re all in this together. Whether you live in the US or in another part of the world, we’re all connected. Whatever’s going on in your neck of the woods has a ripple effect and someone, somewhere is feeling something.

The last several months have brought global changes that have trickled down to cities, homes and families. Each individual life has been impacted in one way or another.

Why? Because that’s the way it works.

When things change and threaten to take us off course we wonder, “How the heck did this happen? What will I do now?”

Whatever is going on, we need to remember we’ve attracted it. There’s always a bigger picture. It’s only a problem when we tell ourselves the change is bad or negative. The truth is, it’s neither.

Change is inevitable—it’s the only thing we can count on. Nothing ever stays the same.

Our response to a situation is what counts. It’s easy to doubt ourselves, especially when our minds scream out something different than what we feel in our guts.

Trust your gut, suck it up and make the change.

A couple months ago I made some really difficult decisions with people that I trusted and liked. I spent a number of nights worrying about the impact my decisions would have on my business. 

It wasn’t easy, but I moved past the hesitation. I stepped right into uncertainty and I took responsibility for the outcome because I knew it was time for change.

What happened surprised me. Would you like to hear about it? I’ll tell you in my next article. Be sure to subscribe to my blog to be sure you don’t miss it.


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