
A Simple Shift

Well Hello, So i trust that you who celebrate Xmas had a great time and lots of fun and you’re probably feeling a little “stuffed” from all the food and tasty excesses…LOL. It’s all fun and games until we start feeling like we have reached saturation and that is why so many people get motivated to set gals for the coming year. So I wanted to offer you a little advice so you can take a different approach to your goal setting this year.Simple Shift Setting goals and making new year resolutions are good as they set our intentions for change. The problem is that very few people actually achieve them…in fact less than 10% of people actually stick to them. So my advice for you is a Simple Shift in approach. I am going to use a couple of examples to show you my point so you can make some ROCKSTAR changes to your life. Instead of saying I want to lose 10 LBS or whatever your goal is, shift that focus on to actionable items. Write down a list of items that you eat that you know are high in calories that are not serving you well. Write down when you are eating them…is it B’fast, Lunch, Dinner or snack? So instead shift your focus to how you can add 1 clean dish to each meal or snack. You see that way we are not thinking about sacrificing and using will power to stop us from eating the extras, we are rather focusing on creating something new and healthy. If that brings 100, 200 or 300 less calories per meal or per day, then move the course of a week we will only naturally lose weight. The simple shift in focus has a huge impact on the ability to reach our goals or focus. Another example is making more money or reducing debt. Instead of focusing on working harder and more hours at work to get the promotion or increase so you can pay off your debt and sacrifice, focus your goals on additional sources of income. Again the shift of focus is off the problem and sacrifice, which is hard work and drains you of energy, to some better. That way you use your energy creating something new instead of fighting old bad habits and problems. If you are not sure how to add multiples sources of income to your life, then please reach out to me and I will show you how. SO make these simple shift in your focus and you will have a better chance of reaching your goals and making positive change in your life. XO Hayley

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