
8 Age Defying Foods

Let's face it. No one wants to age. But unfortunately, its inevitable. We age every year and eventually we will all be "old age." But at what degree are you aging? I believe the way we live our lives determine whether or not we age with grace. Although there are anti-aging creams up the wazoo, did you know that certain foods that can reduce the signs of aging as well?   images Here are the 10 foods that can help you to age with grace: 1). Avocados Avocados are a magnificent source of vitamin E and potassium and are considered an antioxidant. 2). Garlic Bet you didn't know garlic does way more than ward off vampires and make your breath stank. Garlic actually lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as a big immune system booster! It is also an anti-viral and anti-bacterial food and helps reduce the growth and spread of cancer cells. WOW! 3). Whole Grains I don't do gluten, but oats, brown rice and quinoa are excellent sources of fiber and fiber, as most of us know, keeps things moving in your bowel. A diet rich in fiber rids the body of those yucky and unwanted substances. Whole grains can also lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. 4). Red Wine Believe it or not one glass, you hear me, I said one glass of red wine can protect your heart from disease. There is a wonder antioxidant in red wine called resveratrol, which can help prevent blood clots. If you're not a wine drinker, you can get resveratrol in supplement form. 5). Nuts Nuts are a great source of protein, omega 3-fatty acids, vitamin E and calcium. 6). Greens Dark greens are loaded with anti-oxidants and help fight the free-radicals in your body that make you age faster than you would. Spinach and kale, specifically, protect against the negative effects of UV Rays. 7). Legumes Beans are great for your heart and chocked full of antioxidants and minerals that are vital to ones health. Beans get a bad rap at times for the gassy factor, but with they are well worth it. Lots of fiber and and goodies packed in these tiny veggies. You definitely don't want to miss out on eating legumes. 8). Berries Who doesn't love berries? Berries are also super rich in anti-oxidants which promote cell health and protect against disease. The darker berries can help fight the signs of aging. I have given you 8 Super-Foods to incorporate into your diet to help fight the premature signs of aging. What do you currently do to fight premature aging? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. If you found this blog informative and useful please share it with others. Post it on friends walls on FB, pin it to Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley This article was originally published on MindBodyGreen

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