
Steps You Can Take To Be The Author Of Your Own Life

When I was younger I did what everyone else wanted me to do. Get good grades.  Check. Go to swim team practice.  Wouldn't miss it. Apply to the college of my parents' dreams.  Accepted. Attend law school. Practiced for 5 years before I realized I hated it. Moved across the country.  Ok.  Not what anyone wanted but I was ready to start moving on. Up until then, I did what my parents expected of me. I behaved as though I thought others expected me to behave. I'm sure many of you can relate. It can take awhile to know what you really want as opposed to what others want for you. We are taught to play it safe.  To listen to reason and logic rather than to follow our hearts. 535.At-any-given-moment-you-have-the-power-to-say-This-is-not-how-the-story-is-going-to-END But then I became a grown up. And I realized the only thing that really mattered was living a life I wanted to live, doing something that would feed my soul and bring me happiness. So, although I originally set out to be a high powered attorney, seriously believing that having a prodigious profession would be the key to happiness, I quickly found out I need to be more ME. I needed to spread my message or I'd be miserable. Was it a waste? NO WAY! I consider everything a lesson. Every path I've taken has brought me that much closer to where I am today. Living my dream. And yes, it can be scary. You're stepping out. Sometimes way out of your comfort zone. You're not in Kansas anymore.   But you know what? Safe bets may exist for a reason, but there is no life without a little risk. When I set out to write the book I wanted to call my life, it was really hard for me to walk away from my spoken path. I thought I would let my parents down. I didn't want to lose my reputation. I wanted others to hold me in a positive light. Funny when I think about it now. What reputation? The reputation of an attorney sitting behind a desk all day yelling at other people through client briefs? LOL. I know now that I cannot live my life  for someone else or their opinion of me. At any point in your life, you have the power to change the story. That's right. It's a story. And you are the creator. Don't like your job? Get a new one. Fed up with your friend?  Tell her. Sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Clean up your diet and head to the gym. And the best way to author it is to come clean and speak your truth. Be honest with everyone around you. But in order to do that, you've got to be honest with yourself. What would you want if if no one was judging, watching, directing, or controlling your fate? Now, how can you gravitate toward this life without rocking the boat or causing yourself any undue stress? There may not be any other way other than to abandon ship and jump. Then do it.  Trust in your ability to navigate treacherous waters. Whatever it takes to make the shift, do it. You are the master of your life and you possess the power to choose how the story will end at any given moment. I have given you some great tips on how to author your life. What do you currently do to face your fears? Are you feeling stuck and if so what are you afraid of? I would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. If this blog inspired you, share it with friends or family. Post it via FB, Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley This article was originally published on Positively Positive

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