
I'm A Sista That's Got Your Back And Here's Why

I often post images on my facebook page of fit women. Every so often, the reaction to some of the images I post is not expected. A lot of women feel that posting images of women who look 'perfect' sends the wrong message or even depressed some women who will never be able to achieve such a body. As I read some of comments on some of my posts, I often feel crummy. I love to inspire people. I am not here to depress you or make you feel bad about what you have or may never have. I never intend to send the message that if you don't look like this you are not worthy. I simply post images that inspire ME. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I light of all the women who have ever asked me to take the spectrum of body types into consideration, instead of focusing solely on fit, strong women as the archetype for what ALL women should aspire to, here is a photo that I love and hope you too appreciate. This is my way of saying, I hear you sistas, I respect your diversity, and I think all of us, as women, should feel beautiful and be able to embrace what you have without suffocating under the ideals of perfection. What makes you feel inspired? I'd love to know. Please leave a comment in the box below. And if you like this post, or found it inspiring, please share the love by spreading the word on FB, Pinterest or Tweet it. XO, Hayley

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