
Pistachio Cacao Truffles

Chocolate is a guilty pleasure of mine. I love sweets and if they're healthy and raw it's a win win. The holidays are coming and there is nothing better than a little box of these sweet babies to share a gift or make as a treat for everyone to indulge. I'm all about a good time, fabulous party or gift ideas. This is my famous raw almond cacao truffle recipe.


What You'll Need: 2 cups raw pistachios 1/4 cup cacao powder plus some for dusting 1/4 tsp of Himalayan Sea Salt 12 dates 4-6 tbsp raw nut milk 1 drop cinnamon essential oil How To Make Them: Blend pistachios, cacao, and salt in a food processor unlike it forms a meal-like quality. Incorporate the dates and pulse until well combined. Slowly add the nut milk to the mixture until everything pulls together. Next, you can either use a teaspoon or a smaller cookie scoop to form balls. Lay them out on a waxed cookie sheet and freeze for 45 minutes. Once they are solid dust in cacao powder. Wrap them up as a gift or serve and delight your friends. I have just given you my favorite truffle recipe. Are you a chocolate lover? What's your favorite kind of truffle? I would love to her from you. Please leave your comments in the box below. XO, Hayley P.S. I use Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils in all of my recipes because they have ah-mazing health benefits, even to the point of medicinal. Trust me, you want these in your diet. And make sure you can ingest them. Not all oils are created equal! Check it out: Cinnamon essential oil targets immune, muscle and digestive health. It's an antioxidant, helps with immune support, bacterial and viral infections, mood elevator, and respiratory infections. If you want to know where I get my essential oils, cause you know I ONLY use the very BEST, click HERE Originally published at Elephant Journal.  

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