
Whole you Wednesday

Hey Guys,

We always have options, right? A choice comes with theopportunity or the rightto choose one of those options.
When we make adecisionwe are being intentional with that choice. We cut off all other options by committing to whatever we have decided to do.

Are you a strong decision maker?

Statistics show the most successful people make quick decisions and put energy behind making things happen.

As a business owner, I make major decisions every day. If I spent a ton of time mulling over every decision I would never get anywhere. A lot of the time I have to go with my gut.

What if I make a mistake? If a decision doesn't yield the results I expected, what do I do?
I pick up the pieces and move on. 
And what if I don't make a mistake? What if it was the best choice I've ever made. (That's happened a lot). 

It's super important to learn from what people call "mistakes." I prefer to see them as lessons. And as long as we take the lesson, our oversights or errors in judgment have value.


One way to bump up the probability of success in your biz is to work in the area of your genius.

One of my areas of genius is the ability to see a bigger vision.Because of this, I am able to strategize with my coaching clients and team members.

I am also super organized.I Calendar everything, which is super important as a mom-trepreneur. I can't afford to drop any balls.

What are you good at?

What are your natural skills or talents?



PS: Do what you're good at and what you love doing. Join my private Facebook Group, Consciously Creating Your Whole You with Hayley Hobson 
private FB Group.

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Mar 19, 2018 11:12 AM 3DT




Mar 07, 2018 08:45 AM 3DT


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