
Whole You Wednesday

 Hi There!

When someone is thinking about working with me one of the questions I get asked is,
"Hayley, what if I don't have what it takes to build a successful business?"

Oh, oh. Have you had this thought?

Because that's all it is – A THOUGHT. A thought you choose and a thought can change – any time you want.

Did you know (according to CNBC), the Golden Age for Women Entrepreneurs began LAST YEAR!

This mean YOU are apart of less than 10 percent of women who have had the courage to step up and out in your own biz.

Well, guess what? When others play into their insecurities, that is one of the main reasons they DON'T make it.

When there are insecurities present, it usually means there are other things missing. Education – and I don't mean a college degree, I mean getting in the KNOW.

And education, which again can be taking an online course or watching a YouTube video, or doing a deep dive into your own personality, means more SELF-CONFIDENCE.

Self-confidence is the single most valuable attribute for success. And your first step is gaining the confidence to Be Yourself.

The best way to get to know that person in the mirror is to BE YOU. Once you are comfortable with your unique self, and confidently connect with others from that place, you will always find a match.


PS Toddler Mommas, Aunties and Grandmas! The world's 1stonline conference dedicated to toddlers takes place March 21st-25th. Catch my interview with Devon Kuntzman at the Raising Toddlers Courageously conference, LIVE March 22nd. 
Grab your ticket to the event!

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