
Turn NOWHERE into NOW HERE today!



Hey There!


Here we are, coming to the end of 2016. Before you know it we’ll be ringing in the new year.  Last year was Madeline’s first year staying up until the ball dropped so I know she’s excited again this year.  Last night she told me New Years was her third favorite holiday for that reason (third behind Easter because she gets to see her Sabba and Satta and hold baby chickies and behind Valentine’s Day because all her friends at school leave notes for her in a box at her seat).


Anyhoooooo, I’m excited for the year to come to a close because even though the rest of the year I run around like crazy getting things done, I like to slow things down in December. I use my downtime to majorly catch up on rest and reflect on everything I’m grateful for. 


Above all, I’m grateful for my family’s and my good health. There’s nothing more valuable than wellness. But that doesn’t happen by accident. You have to work at it. 


My business has been SUPER successful this year. I’m grateful for hitting the highest rank of Double Presidential Diamond with doTERRA because that means I have been able to help many, many other people hit ranks they have been striving to hit. It was a great affirmation for me of the value of focus, determination and hard work for all of us, all around. 


It also sends a message that YOU can have what you want if you’re committed. I started this business 4 years ago, and believe me I didn’t have a clue. And today I am literally living my dream.  


Speaking of dreams … this year I bought my dream vacation house in San Diego!  Whoop Whoop!  I’m heading down there next week to wind down the rest of the year!  Plus, it won’t be so bad to get out of this snow here in CO and into the sun.  :-)


A BIG PART of gratitude is giving back. This year I started a fundraising effort to build an orphanage in Haiti.  This will be an ongoing project I’ll be working on all of 2017 because I’m committed to getting these children into a home they can feel is sustainable.


I’ve traveled all over the world and met some crazy-cool peeps. My hard work is paying off and I’m taking others along with me. Watching them succeed is just as gratifying. 


Folks, success doesn’t come out of NOWHERE. I work hard to achieve the goals I set for myself—personally and with my business. 

And now it’s time to set goals for next year. 


In 2017 I’ll continue to work on the orphanage and work with people on my team to support them in their success. I’ll continue to strengthen my organization so I have a sea of Diamonds, Blue Diamonds and I’m hoping for my first Presidential Diamond across my front few levels. 


This year I also plan to host my very own women’s Life Coaching retreat. (I’ll let you know more about that soon.)


How about you? Are you setting goals? I’m not talking about a formal plan. It can be as easy as answering these three questions: 


What do you want to SEE as you look forward to next year? Make a list. 


When do you want it by? Set dates and then work backward to create an action list work to achieve them.  


How do you want to FEEL? Linking emotion with our thoughts makes them more real and increases the probability that we’ll bring them into being. 


This is enough to get you started. As I said, success doesn’t come out of NOWHERE. You have to take action. Let’s do this together and make next year the best ever. 







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